Continuing the thread of the last post, I am going to post decks meeting the Challenge requirements of my local league. The Anarch Challenge is no Virus. Which is a bit more difficult than one might think...
In thinking of this I started to auto include a lot of Anarch cards, only to realize how many viruses there are. I decided to use Whizzard because Reina is already good for many other reasons (and I still want to 'Challenge the Meta') and because obviously Noise is useless without viruses.
So that turns us into a sort of pseudo demo build. But we can't be using Imp, so what do we do?
Economic warfare.
Anarch No Virus
Whizzard: Master Gamer (What Lies Ahead)
Event (16)
1x Account Siphon (Core Set) ••••
3x Demolition Run (Core Set)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
3x Infiltration (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
3x Vamp (Trace Amount)
Hardware (5)
2x Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount)
3x Spinal Modem (What Lies Ahead)
Resource (10)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x Kati Jones (Humanity's Shadow)
2x Liberated Account (Trace Amount)
3x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
Icebreaker (11)
3x Corroder (Core Set)
3x Femme Fatale (Core Set) •••
2x Knight (Mala Tempora)
3x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••••• •
Program (3)
3x Keyhole (True Colors)
Deck built on NetrunnerDB.
We need a strong economy. All though Whizzard is an economy identity (getting free credits is an economy action) we are still Anarch, and have to pay for a lot of things. With not a lot of influence to throw around, we'll go for some efficient pump-able breakers - Yog may be amazing of course, but without Datasucker tokens... And sure we could Mod or Dinosaurus it, but why spend all that resources for just code gates?
So we pick 1 for 1 breakers, and have to have 3 of each. Now the meat of the deck
Account Siphon, Demo Run, Vamp, and Keyhole. Get in, and mess things up. Use Whizzard's ability if you can, otherwise just trash the crap out of things. Blow things the hell up. It's your main strategy. Get things out of play and R&D in order to slow down the corp. Back that up with Account Siphon and Vamp to keep them even lower. Don't give them scoring windows.
What else can be done?
More punishment. Event based running, if the influence can be found for it. Build him like Criminal and surprise the heck out of Corp players who aren't expecting Account Siphons, Inside Jobs, and the like.
Will this work? Probably not. Will it make you think? I hope so.