Android Netrunner

Android Netrunner

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weyland - Building a Better ICE

Weyland has this amazing ability on their ICE. Much of their ICE can be advanced.  Unfortunately this usually is not effective money wise, even with Commercialization, and certainly isn't effective click wise. Sure Ice Walls are usually good for it, and other times Hadrians just gets stupid when advanced.

Then there comes ice that can only be advanced when rezed. And the worst part one of these is 'Do Net Damage' - how is that ever going to be useful? That is one things that generally only are useful when they catch the runner by surprise.

But what if we use it as a Tax? Woodcutter with 6 sub routines on it is one expensive thing to break! But dear god how is that ever going to be useful. Plus the turn we rez that ICE its just going to be stupidly sitting there doing nothing. Not to mention costing 6 credits more than its rez cost to even be worthwhile...

Well, there is some help for that... and so we have Building a Better ICE idea...

Weyland - Building a Better ICE

Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It (A Study in Static)

Agenda (8)
2x Government Contracts (A Study in Static)
3x Priority Requisition (Core Set)
3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)

Upgrade (8)
3x Amazon Industrial Zone (Trace Amount)
2x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead) ••••
3x Simone Diego (Humanity's Shadow)

Operation (14)
3x Beanstalk Royalties (Core Set)
3x Commercialization (Cyber Exodus)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
3x Oversight AI (A Study in Static)
2x Restructure (Second Thoughts)

Barrier (6)
2x Hadrian's Wall (Core Set)
3x Ice Wall (Core Set)
1x Tyrant (A Study in Static)

Code Gate (4)
2x Enigma (Core Set)
2x Tollbooth (Core Set) ••••

Sentry (9)
1x Archer (Core Set)
3x Matrix Analyzer (Core Set) ••••• •
2x Shadow (Core Set)
1x Swarm (Opening Moves)
2x Woodcutter (Cyber Exodus)

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Key cards in here are Amazon Industrial Zone and Oversight AI, followed by Simone and your base identity. Amazon, Oversight AI, and to a lesser extent Priority Requisition is going to be how you get ICE rezed out of the run. Simone and your base identity means you can in a single turn put 3 advancement tokens up onto any of your advance-able ICE ... for free. And once you get Commercialization onto one of those ICE...

Matrix Analyzer and Ash are going to be the last pieces of this puzzle. Matrix analyzer is going to fulfill two roles. First to advance your ICE out of turn of course. Second to increase those agenda's into scoring position. And that is where ASH comes in. Because the operational economy + Commercialization is so very strong in Weyland (even outside of Building a Better World) the money should be there to rez Ash and drop enough on the economy to keep them out of your Agenda - and on top of that, Matrix Analyzer allows you to make the second run on that server even more expensive.

The key thing to remember in this deck. Woodcutter will never flat-line a runner. Tyrant will never really keep them out, once they start a run. Swarm will never eat any programs, no runner will ever pay the credit cost on it once you have it rezzed. But my god the tax on getting through those ICE will be incredible. When it costs 12, 15, 20 credits to break your server, they are not going to get to run every turn. And then a surprised Ash... that will let you score.

At least. Thats the hope.

What more can be done?

We're running a pretty risky Agenda mix here - the Priority Reqs - really worth it? To rez a Tyrant? Maybe. But 3point swings to the runner are brutal. Is it worth the price? Possibly - this deck can have the big taxing ice that would be needed to keep them out. Maybe mixing up the agenda package would help out.

Is Operational Econ the way to go? Maybe swapping in for some PAD or Melange type econ would help out more, and freeing up those spots for other things - like Red Herrings (after all, if you just spent 10+credits to break into my server, and now you need another 5 to steal? Hmmm)

Will it work? Doubtful. Does it make you think of something new? I hope so.


  1. This looks like a deck I tried to make recently ( ), insomuch as it has a couple of the same cards. Not sure how well it will work, though. I hope to find out soon.

    1. Awesome! Let me know how it works out! - I read the comments on that deck, and - as you may notice how I think - that guy is wrong about Woodcutter. People /will/ pay to not take the net damage, because its a serious threat. Therefore, its a Tax on the runner, and one that can keep them out for enough time to score an agenda.

      Let me know how your deck goes!

    2. It went OK, I suppose. I have only played with it twice, after a few tweeks. The first time, he had stolen a Priority Requisition and I had scored a Cleaners and a Profiteering when came across all three Punitive Counterstrikes in my had and dug for an agenda. I got out another Cleaners unprotected and dared him to run it. He stole it on his second click, and knowing of the PC's in my hand, cleared Kati and made a last ditch dive into R&D. And stole another Priority Requisition. Oh well.

      In my other game, I had R&D protected by RSVP/Chum/Woodcutter and a five deep Amazon scoring server (with a Minelayer). I won that one by advancing agendas during Kati lulls.

      Overall, I had fun, but it is not going to any tournaments just yet.
